

By | On 27/02/2025


Architectural model

By | On 31/01/2023

Planche ilot adam

This project offers a mixed program comprising office buildings, lodging, as well as shops on the ground floor,

This model, printed in 3D, required 605 hours of printing.

All the details modeled in 3D were subsequently reported on the assembly produced, thus allowing the optimization of printing times and the addition of colors.

Dimensions: 830mm X 630mm X 370mm

3d printing party

By | On 05/05/2021


# feteimpression3D Today is International 3D Printing Day.

Let's celebrate together the first 3D printing festival in France!

An initiative of France Additive, the association for 3D printing in France

Fete impression 3d 2020 france additive 01 scaled hb3d sas 1

3d printing party

By | On 03/12/2020


# feteimpression3D Today is International 3D Printing Day.

Let's celebrate together the first 3D printing festival in France!

An initiative of France Additive, the association for 3D printing in France

Fete impression 3d 2020 france additive 01 scaled hb3d sas 1

Métal by micro fonderie

By | On 19/11/2020


3D printng - Métal by micro fundry 

These sculptures are made with 3D printng, respectively in, PLA and cast resin. Molten aluminum (850 degrees) is then poured into the dies enclosed in sand. The metal then takes shape in place of the dies which melt under the effect of the molten metal, thus freeing these sculptures with precise shapes and fine details

Impression 3d metal par micro fonderie hb3d


Large scale 3D printing

By | On 19/10/2020


We offer 3D printing machines with adapted technologies


Hb3d sas sfamillia grande envergure




Hb3d sas sfamillia detail



Custom 3 d modeling

By | On 19/10/2020


We design and customize your tailor-made projects

Conception d objet interactif hb3d

33/5000 HB3D castable resin jewelry

By | On 02/03/2020

With our software we can assist you in:

- The design, customization & 3D modeling of your projects,

We also produce high-precision 3D prints intended for jewelry.

You can thus transmit the burnable matrix to your jeweler for a casting in precious metals of your choice !

33/5000 HB3D castable resin jewelry

By | On 26/02/2020

With our software we can assist you in:

- The design, customization & 3D modeling of your projects,

We also produce high-precision 3D prints intended for jewelry.

You can thus transmit the burnable matrix to your jeweler for a casting in precious metals of your choice !

33/5000 HB3D castable resin jewelry

By | On 26/02/2020

With our software we can assist you in:

- The design, customization & 3D modeling of your projects,

We also produce high-precision 3D prints intended for jewelry.

You can thus transmit the burnable matrix to your jeweler for a casting in precious metals of your choice !

HB3D jewelry

By | On 28/01/2020

With our software, we support you in the smallest details of your projects!

Resin molding

By | On 16/12/2019

Moulage resine hb3d sas


3D printing Composit plaster

By | On 21/11/2019

Proto platre composite hb3d sas


Customize your concrete objects

By | On 15/11/2019

concrete proto


Custom glazing

By | On 28/05/2019

Customize your interior glazings with patterns printed in 3D!


By | On 18/04/2019

Your Pictiures Customize

flooring material

By | On 01/08/2018

Customize your outdoor or indoor flooring and more with 3D Concrete / ABS Printing

Architectural models

By | On 19/06/2018
