3D modeling

This step, which is decisive for production, consists of modeling the object in 3 dimensions, with a particularity:

The iteration between the digital model and our 3D printers before it is printed, (the interest of 3D printing lies precisely in this iteration between the virtual object visible on the screen and the printed object which takes shape in the real world)

This iteration makes it possible to detect and correct non-visible defects present in the designed digital model.

This process therefore makes it possible to design and prototype customizable objects, without defects and at a lower cost.


Thus, the objects printed in 3D come directly from STL files generated from the 3D models whose possible defects observed are directly corrected on the digital file thus ensuring a precise and quality 3D manufacturing or printing.


Our 3D software makes it possible to quickly prepare the geometry of the object for speed prototyping.


Design / examples of studies 3D modeled with our software



Last edited: 23/11/2024